I don't go in for conspiracy theories, but bear with me on this one regarding the wildly unpopular push to make abortion AND contraception (not to mention sex ed) illegal:

  • Adoption agencies are largely for profit and it can cost more than $50k to adopt a fresh baby.

  • Many, if not most, are associated with or run by some kind of religious organization.

  • The evangelicals are pushing hard to ban abortions in all cases.

  • A number of nations have cut the US off from adopting children out of their countries, usually citing corruption, human trafficking concerns.

  • There is a supply shortage. At a glance, I learned something like 2 million people are waitlisted for adoption in the US, which means--considering the potential cost of adoption--there is $100 billion sitting on the table.

Additionally: it's already established that foster care is basically where we send kids to get abused/wind up homeless, or worse, and there's already a trafficking option for people who end up deciding they don't want their adopted kid(s). So it's not like the infrastructure isn't already in place.

Unlike conspiracy theories, the stuff that ends up proven true share an important trait: the pieces of the pattern cannot be faked and the goalposts are never moved. I can take these easily found data and reasonably conclude that the anti-abortion movement is probably a front for a human trafficking ring for profit adoption agency backed by a big church. Why else do they always insist on adoption as the main alternative?