You are superstar legendary something
sometimes hiding in memory myths
made from lost languages
waiting for a keystone

You'll never be deciphered

You are kissing made from
the unrequited love of molten stars
and raindrops as they stare across forever
waiting for a glimpse

You are worth all their patience

You are a series of a hundred million haiku
whispered softly under delicate bouquets
of eyeblink flowers we wait all our lives
just to see

You'll always be seventeen syllables to me

You've got eyes that see everything in detail
so minute that the seams from God's mold
are visible in mountain tops and sea canyons
to your eyes alone

You caught his fingerprint in tree-shadow

You are hours of decoupage gifts
that come unasked for and unknown
that you’re the real beneficiary
of the things you give away

You're a present waiting to happen

You are the colors of stained wood,
heartbeats and sighs that have traced
your way through hardships too personal
to mention without your permission

I weep wishes for you daily

Published in [luvthrong], 2004