I get a kick out of the threats coming out of the right about indicting prominent democrats in retaliation for Trump.

Fucking do it. If there's evidence for crimes, let's goooooo! Did Obama do war crimes? Send him to the Hague for trial. Got some prison-worthy dirt on Bernie? Throw away the fucking key.

Arresting people in power for doing crimes doesn't exactly "own the libs." By all means, make it easy as hell to arrest rich powerful people and put them away for crimes. That’s literally what the left wants—accountability.

I swear to god my little feelings will be so hurt I might cry.

Seriously, though, one has to wonder what it is about this modern version of conservatism that they seem to think everyone is pretty much the same and, over here on the left, we’re worshipping our leaders with the same deep fervor. Maybe it’s my autism, or maybe it’s the fact that I got into punk so early and took it seriously as an ethos (I vote both), but I find it personally impossible to be so impressed by someone in authority that they become my whole identity.

But that doesn’t stop the conservatives in my life from taking digs at moderate democrats as if I’m gonna lose my shit the way MAGA does. I like who I like because they have concrete policies that align with my values that are reality-based and can be summarized in a way that a 10 year old could easily understand. And, “like” is a strong word. If I say I liked Bernie, it’s not because I’m some cultist who calls himself a “Bernie bro” or think he’s a particularly effective legislator. I like how he moves the Overton window to the left, getting people to pause and think about how we should probably all be getting paid for our labor instead of making someone else rich. I dislike the right because they do fascist shit. Full stop.

Republican policies simply do not line up with my core values, though I do think it’s interesting how many people (not the politicians) who ID as republican or conservative basically have the same general values as me: fair pay for the work, time to spend with family, and the ability to go to a doctor without going bankrupt in the process. Of course, those are the conservatives who work for a living that have those values. Don’t get me started on the trust fund kids.